Daisypath Graduation tickers

About Me

Dallas, TX, United States
The Trulys are Jeff, Mindy, Jack, and Todd

Sep 2, 2009

Helloooo, anybody out there???

Probably not, because I never update this thing. Partly because we still have not gotten a new computer. The one that is on loan to us right now does not have a CF outlet, so no pictures, why post?

Let's see it's almost Fall...the season I LOVE. The boys are good, and i'm ready for some scheduled time. It makes life much easier! Summer was fun, but I won't miss the heat OR the orange ozone days!

The boys start KDO (kid's day out) tomorrow once a week. I'll be able to go to a doc. appt./grocery shopping/ or super duper house cleaning without 2 little munchkins to keep me distracted. ;)

Munchkin update:
Jack is getting so big. He's a kid, no longer toddler. He likes to give concerts (about dinosaurs or millions of peaches) with his guitar, and microphone. He's a real rock and roll star. I'm noticing how nimble and agile he is getting as he grows and becomes more confident. He climbs on playground equipment like a monkey. He's still ever the cautious one, but I think that's just my little Jack. :)
He got a new clock and is semi learning to tell time. :) If the little hand is on the 5 and the big hand is on the 7 it's 5:7 !! You better believe he knows when it's 7 am though. He marches into our room and says, "Momma, Daddy it's 7 o'clock time to get up!" He can say "BLUE" now not "Bwoo" he says, "my favorite cower is BaLooo". Yes, that's right co-wer. He LOVES dinosaurs. I mean LOVES them. He knows their names and what they eat, and he can't wait until Dinosaur Train comes on PBS kids after Labor day. (it's a new show) He's decided he wants to be a daddy when he grows up. I tell him he'll need to get married first, so he has chosen Elle as his wife.
He's a picky eater, and were praying that gets better. He will not try anything new, so many nights he doesn't eat dinner. LOVE that! (sarcasm) 3's have been a challenge for mommy, but God has used it to teach me lots. Like patience, and a reminder that my job is 24/7 no breaks. Which means there is always an opportunity to teach them, all times and hours of the day. Which reminds me that I cannot do it without God...it's...impossible. That means time spent with Him every morning, every day. I've found I have no idea what to do otherwise. I find that i'm running like a chicken with my head cutoff otherwise...in other words depressed/exhausted/ and not accomplishing anything.

Todd is walking. For 3 weeks now. He walks everywhere, and will announce, "I walking!" random times through out the day. He's at a precious age and stage. I remember this age with Jack. Still they are so different. Jack always listened and obeyed at this age. Todd pushes the limits. He's got a big brother to watch do that as a 3 year old so he does it too. His vocabulary is crazy! Children are so amazing. He LOVES books, which is interesting. I thought he would'nt be interested since i don't have the sit down time I had with Jack as the only child. But he LOVES them. He also LOVES dinosaurs. And whatever Jack likes. He has skipped the train stage altogether. He must keep up with big brother. He loves Jack and asks for him when he gets up in the morning. They both love to antagonize each other at this point. And repay wrong for wrong. Did I mention the challenges? Still I've grown, and know it's for my own good as well as theirs. Let's see, I should write down some of Todd's words. He says all the animals names and what they say, he knows his body parts, he likes to point out "eyebrows" and my facial features when we are rocking, he says "please and tank yewwww", he can't wait to finish dinner so he and jack can take a "BUBBLES BAT!" He will make fists at the table and yell "BUBBLES!", He loves RHINOS and Bippos! Can't wait til the weather cools down and we go to the zoo this fall! Our last trip he conked out and didn't get to see the animals.

I can't think of anything else, and I need to get back to work. It's "quiet time/nap time" I've got 30 more quiet minutes! Happy Fall Ya'll!

May 4, 2009

May Update

Looks like I get to update no, not monthly, maybe not even every other month (except in this case). But oh well, life is busy!

Unfortunately I will not be able to update with pictures at this moment. Our computer crashed, and the one i'm using is on loan. It does not have a drive to download the pictures onto the computer with, but i'll update with pictures as soon as I can.

Until then, I'll just type the update and you can use your imaginations!

Life is busy. Since we last talked we refinanced our house! Yay!!!

Todd is pulling up and cruising a little bit. He has all his teeth, until the 2 year molars decide to come in! Poor baby, all the rest of them came in, in the same month! He is a little Mockingbird, as he is repeating every word we say. For instance today I said, "Oh man!" and then he repeated it. It was hilarious! But in his own repotoire he says, "Jack, Elmo, Nemo (momo), juice, 1,2,3, blanket (mamank), mama, dada, ball, fish (bishhhhh), chips (bips), choo choo, puppy, please (peas), thank you (da-du), I love you, Grandma," hmmmm what else oh, "Underdog!" I can't believe he LOVES Nemo as much as Jack did. I find that fascinating! He knows what all the animals that i can think of say...Elephant, snake, puppy, cat, cow, horse, rooster, bird, duck, etc. Jack likes to quiz him. He cracks me up when he plays with hot wheels or toy cars, because he makes the noises for them. He likes to sing, and dance, and when Jack sings Todd dances and does the hand motions...like when Jack sings the Jammie song Todd does the motions for "brushing your teeth".

Jack is quite the rock star these days. He got a guitar for Christmas and he serenades us with "Gofish" concerts, "1,2,3,4...Put your Jammies on, put your ja,mies,on!" I had to tie one of Jeff's ties to the guitar so he would have a guitar strap, as he was finding it difficult to hold the micrphone and the guitar at the same time. I WILL post the video to Youtube straight away. When we have a drive to download it! It's hilarious! He's 3...did I mention 3. Yeah, 2 has nothing on 3. It's ....well, it's challenging for mommy to say the least! He has become jealous of his brother. Since grandparents...well adults in general tend to gravitate toward "the baby" who is not such a baby anymore, but still the little one. Since Todd isn't walking it takes more of me holding him when we go somewhere and Jack has had enough! Not to mention..oh i already did...he's 3. Many nights, i need Calgon to take me away! But this week not once, but twice...2 different people I did not know over the phone told me to cherish this time, it goes by so quickly...so I try to have that perspective. Jack is my sweetheart, and I love him so much! He likes me to tell him the story of when he was a baby he used to say to mommy, "Mommy hold me all day" and I did. :) I just added the story of when he was a tiny baby and he slept right next to mommy and daddy's bed. I told him when he got too big it was time for him to be in his own crib. I told him how I couldn't stand to be away from him even if it was just down the hall, and how i missed him at night. He likes that one right now too. :) He's getting dressed on his own now. But unfortunately thinks that anytime he wakes up that means it's morning time, time to put on new clothes! Even after nap! As if I didn't have enough laundry to do! :) But there is no arguing with him, I just let that battle go. And I have to let what he wears go too. I'm sure people at Albertson's know I didn't put "THAT" on him. Don't they? He found his boots from 2 yrs ago Halloween costume (cowboy). He insists on wearing them, even though i'm sure they hurt! I always bring a change of shoes just in case he decides they hurt a little too bad.

We are having fun! Life is a blast, but have i mentioned busy??? :) 2 toddlers, and CARES Ministry...that about sums it up!

Looking forward to summer, I'll post pictures soon! Jammie Song in Concert by Jack, and Jack in boots! + some Toddy pictures too!

Feb 15, 2009

A February Post

Some how I'm now aloud to post on this blog, when for the past several weeks I have not been able to log into it. So I'll do a February download, try and post a few pictures...and hope it will not take this long next time to post a new post.

Update on the Truly's:
We are virtually settled in to our apartment in Uptown Dallas now. It's all come and gone so quickly! We moved in the last week of November, and it's already mid-February. In a week's time i'll be celebrating my 34th birthday...yikes!

The boys have transitioned to a new environment wonderfully. In the beginning weeks Jack actually cried when we said, "it's time to go home" thinking it meant back to the old house. He really likes our "new uhpotment". He gets that we are here to stay a while. We still own our house in Lake Highlands, and are planning to come back to it at some point. We miss it sometimes. Mostly the comfortable security that was our neighborhood. And the Guenther's! I miss my next door neighbor!

Jack turned 3 in January. In the past few weeks he has changed so much. It was as though I woke up one morning and he just looked and acted "big". He gets dressed on his own in the mornings, and puts his shoes on when he gets up. These hardwoods are cold on the old feet. He loves Todd, and will even sit with him on occasion and "read" him a book. They are great friends. Jack is starting to sound out some words. It's as though he is teaching himself these things...oh I might mention how to read something once, and then he just off and runs with it. He's that kind of kid though really.

Todd turned a year in November. I'm not sure where the last 2-3 months went though, as he is now almost 15 months. And really I feel bad about that. It's just that November happens...Thanksgiving, Christmas, Jack's birthday and before you know it 3 months has passed. Todd got RSV right after Christmas and we spend the 26-31st in the hospital. He's doing fine now. He's still scooting along. He says "night night", and points to the sky when he hears or sees an airplane flying over head...we are right in the flight path of Love Field....we hear them often. He will say, "All done" or "all clean", as well as do the sign for those words. He'll say Jack too on occasion. It sounds like, "ACK". He knows what a monkey, elephant, birdie, duck, and dog say. And our favorite is TOUCHDOWN! When we say touchdown both hands go up in the air. We totally stole that one from the Scott's, but boy is it cute. He brushes his hair, and likes to play cars with Jack. We recently changed pediatricians (3 days ago), and could not be happier with that decision. He loves to give kisses and hugs to mommy, daddy, and Jack. He is such a lover! He's got what might be called a Temper! Or maybe it's just his daddy's metabolism. Either way...he makes quite the scene, and makes me thankful I learned about discipline with his brother, who although hardheaded, is not the scenemaker baby brother is. Todd got his first haircut at Cool Cuts for Kids...great place. I would upload the pictures on here, but I took them with my Blackberry, and it hasn't worked to download them to the computer.

Jeff is still working away at LAFP. From our new place he can literally walk to work in 12 minutes. He's really liking that. Unless it rains!

That's all for now:
Here are some pictures

Using a spoon...or is he?

I want to engineer daddy!

Monkey boys!

Matching pj's

Turning 3!

Train fun!

Fun with Facepaint!

Mommy using the new digital SLR!

Jack being still for a picture! Hurry!

Jan 2, 2009

New Year's Eve celebration!

We stayed in for New Year's eve. Brett, Jenn, & Elle came over with their Wii as we awaited 2009. Gotta say bowling, tennis, boxing, and golf all in the comfort of your own home is the way to go! Unbeknownst to the kids we had a mock countdown on the roof because they just weren't going to make it to midnight. Happy New Year to you! We hope your eyes will be opened to all the blessings God has for you this new year!