My little big baby boy slept through the night last night for the first time. 6 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. Which means I'll probably be up with him all night tonight. What a big boy. I put him in his Johnny Jump up today and he had a blast. He's sitting up (on the couch) while I sit beside him. He still falls over when reaching for a toy or just gets tired of holding himself up. No real rolling over. Jack felt no need to roll, and I kinda think that's what Todd is doing. Jack could do it at this age, but just didn't. Todd rolled from tummy to back the other day, but doesn't do it on a regular basis.
Todd is getting to have quite the personality. He's a feisty little thing. He's starting to grunt and growl when he isn't getting his way...which is usually only when I put him down for a nap. He grunts, goes stiff, cries some crocodile tears, I leave and he's usually out in about 5 minutes or less.
Jack is starting to push the limits with Todd. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with, "not knowing his own strength", and everything to do with the fleshly desire to beat up the little thing that came in between your momma and daddy time. Mostly he's just trying to see how i'll handle it. Sometimes I fail, get impatient, and yell. Other times I do the right thing, breathe deeply, and pray, then hug him a little more that day. Motherhood is THE most transforming journey I've ever taken.
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